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In recent years, Jordi Galí has moved his work out into the public space, in which he explores the relationship with the object. To do this, he uses a range of approaches, from simple manipulation to the construction of ephemeral edifices. In P18, the object is eliminated and replaced by five performers, five bodies that are at one and the same time actors and media, builders and materials of the edifices that are created; arms, legs, heads, elbows and knees interlink to form unique architectural structures that demonstrate the intelligence of the body.



The dancer and choreographer Lipi Hernández presents the results of her research into the act of dancing: DATA is a methodology that she has put into practice through the bodies and minds of the dancers who have worked with her in educational and choreographic processes in the last ten years. She is interested in the relationship between the individual and the collective, and the central thread of her proposal is the overflowing of form through a physical practice founded on meditation, mantras, Kabbalah and postmodern dance.



For technical reasons, the show of today (March 2) is postponed to March 6 (at the same time).

Origami is a spectacular and delicate street dance work in which a 12-metre shipping container is transformed into an elegant origami object. The person behind this marvel is Satchie Noro, the dancer who performs a slow and subtle aerial dance on the mechanical structure as it unfolds and morphs into a triangle, a rectangle or a square.



The Brodas Bros take urban dance down to the Metro. Under9 is an artistic project in a metropolitan spirit that links the towns and cities of Barcelona, Badalona, Cornellà de Llobregat and Santa Coloma de Gramenet and which will feature in the closing party in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat.



Collodi’s classic story bursts onto the stage once again in a magnificent dance work for family audiences in which Pinocchio embarks on a fantastic journey to become a real boy of flesh and blood. This Pinocchio by Jasmin Vardimon combines physical theatre, characterisation, innovative technologies, text and dance to explore the idea of what it means to be human.

Slow Sports Kids


Slow Sports Kids explores the way athletes experience movement: their bodies, their beauty, their rhythmical movements, their facial expressions and the sounds made by their actions. It also reflects on how sports events are organised and how they are presented in the media.

Danse étoffée sur musique déguisée


The first piece by the ZOO / Thomas Hauert company for children is a solo performed to the Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano by John Cage. A prepared piano is a piano that has been modified by inserting all kinds of objects between the strings. These simple materials take the instrument into acoustic territories as new as they are familiar. By applying this same idea to the body, this piece deviates from every theatre narrative and lets the imagination fly. Here, nothing is normal. Or rather, everything is extraordinary!

Viatge al centre de la Terra


An innovative and visually strong show, this piece is inspired by one of the best-known works by the father of literary science fiction, Jules Verne. In Viatge al centre de la Terra, two sisters, Eva and Ava, decide to follow in the footsteps of an ancestor of theirs and to travel to Iceland. There they meet Hans, the guide who will lead them on a journey to the centre of the Earth, a descent during which the dancers will encounter incredible beings and landscapes, as well cultural residues that humankind has left behind.

Quadres d’una exposició


Pictures at an Exhibition is a famous suite of 15 pieces of music composed by Mussorgsky to pay tribute to Viktor Hartmann, an architect, draughtsman and keen painter who was a close friend of the composer’s. The score was inspired by the posthumous exhibition of Hartmann’s works at the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.

El dia de la bèstia (Le jour de la bête)


An expressive dancer with a strong temperament and boundless energy, Aina Alegre delves into various festive rituals such as popular Mediterranean festivals and carnivals and analyses the gestures, movements, rhythm and breathing of the community involved in them. This leads to reflection on festive rituals that become spaces for sharing, cathartic spaces for exchanging energy, for self-celebration but also of transgression and resistance.


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