Elkarrizketa Ilunak (Conversations in the dark) is an innovative production in which Metamorphosis Dance investigates, through choreographic composition, the possibility or impossibility of communicating. What happens when two people converse in the dark? By decontextualizing a conversation, the type of message changes and in the proposal by Igor Bacovich and Iratxe Ansa the dynamic actions and reactions of conflict, affection and anxiety are expressed non-verbally, physically and bodily.
Hidden concludes the trilogy formed by Kokoro (2015) and iU an Mi (2017), reflecting on identity. This latest piece casts its gaze over the things that define us, but which – over time – have been hidden under the veil of the unconscious. Our present blurs the past. And life, which never stops and pushes us without respite, leaves a trail of memories in its wake. Memories that pile up between the folds of the brain, as does dust underneath furniture. They remain in the shadows, hidden under web of deceit, of dreams, of subjective delusion.